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nearly finish:))*


WINDOW is a graphical user interface (GUI) operating system represented as a rectangular area on a computer screen in which you can view an application or a document. You can open, close, move and change the size of your windows based on your own taste. It provides you with everything you need to manage applications and files efficiently. A Window has the ability to run more than one application at a time and transfer information between applications. You can also open several windows at a time, as well as to either reduce a window to an icon or to enlarge it, filling the entire screen.

Using the mouse

One Windows procedure that might be new to the DOS user is the use of a mouse. Mastering the mouse is essential to effective Windows performance.

The following are the basic mouse terms you need to know:
POINT- moving the mouse pointer to an item on-screen.
CLICK- pressing and releasing the left mouse button once (quickly); often uses in highlighting an item in window.
DOUBLE-CLICK- pressing and releasing the left mouse button twice; used mostly to select an item in windows.
DRAG- press the mouse button and hold it down while you move the mouse; this enables you to grab an on-screen object and move it across the screen.

The Microsoft Windows 95 Logo
Starting Windows 95
 Automatically starts as soon as you turn on reboot your computer. The Windows 95 operating system no longer runs on top of DOS, but rather executes as the primary operating system. You now no longer need to type WIN at a DOS prompt. After turning on your computer, you will see a Windows 95 splash screen.
The Windows 95 Desktop
Desktop- is the screen background for Windows on which windows, icons and dialog boxes appear. Depending on how your computer set up, various items appear on your desk top when you start Windows 95.

1. My Computer
Double-clicking this icon will enable you to browse through your computer on the network.

2. Network Neighborhood
Double-clicking this icon will enable you to browse through your computer on the network.

3. Recycle Bin
The Recycle Bin is a disk place for deleted files. You can use it to retrieve files deleted, empty it or permanently remove files by emptying it.

4. Start Button
The Start Button is located at the bottom of your computer screen at the left corner of the task bar. It is used to quickly start a program and locate your file.

Parts of a Window

1. Title Bar- this bar contains the name of the program being opened. Document names are often found in the Title bars.
2. Title Bar Icon- an icon is the little picture associated with a program creating the window. You can see the name of the program on the left hand side of the title bar.
3. Menu Bar- the menu bar lists the available menus (lists of choices). When you click a menu name the menu bar pops up or scrolls down with the entire menu.
4. Windows Control Buttons- are the three buttons in the upper-right corner of each window. The Left-most is called the Minimize button, the middle is the Maximize button (restore), and the last is the Close button.
5. Scroll Bar- this bar lets you see the portion of the screen that can’t fit in the window. Clicking the scroll bar, or scroll arrows or dragging scroll boxes changes the information displayed in a window.
6. Frame or “Window” Border- this border defines the outer edges of the window.
7. Status Bar- this bar often contains useful information about a window. It includes current information about the documents or applications on your current windows.

Touring Windows 95

A Task Bar is located at the bottom of your screen. It displays the Start button on the left and a clock on the right side. It also shows the minimized programs currently open, if any.

A Start menu will pop up on the screen. It contains everything you need to begin using the window. A triangular arrow to the right of an item on your start menu indicates that additional Submenus will appear when you select the menu item.

1. Programs
A menu which contains a list of available programs (ex. MS Word, POWER Point, Excel, etc.) Which were installed initially, as well as those which you have installed yourself.

2. Documents
This menu shows the list of documents that you have used recently.

3. Setting
Shows a list of system performance setting you can alter to your specifications.

4. Find
Enables you to locate files or folders easily through the Find dialog box.

5. Help
Enables you to find answers to your questions/queries about the various applications.

6. Run
executes an executable program.

7. Shut Down
Allows you to shut down or restart your computer.

uber-uber ka LA…

uber-uber ka LAMIG…grrrr…..